Minato  provides medical care for all nationality patients in Surabaya.

Taman Puspa Raya B10 No.31 Citraland, Surabaya 60217, Indonesia

Phone: +62 (0)813-8300-9807
E-mail: minato.surabaya((a))gmail.com

English        Indonesia      Japanese

  We provide Medical Care for you


Minato is located in Citraland, West Surabaya area provides standard medical primary care for all patient.  

Minato is a medical facility aimed at serving the needs of foreigners and Indonesian living in or visiting Surabaya to make them feel comfortable and have better medical services like in their home country.

Minato  has a licensed doctor in Indonesia with experience providing attentive healthcare services in English, Indonesian and Japanese language.

We support our patients by considering the therapies that they are customized to receive in their home countries, also build open communication between patient and the doctor and find good solution.

  We do: 

  ●Medical consultation Clinic patient care Vaccination ●House call 

       Minato does not provide emergency medical services

●Medical consultation (Adult and Children)

All patients need reservation. Please call to make an appointment before come to the clinic.

●Clinic patient care

Observation, nebulizer, minor surgery and medical care after-surgery (wound dressing, stitches removal)

●Laboratory test

Blood test, urine test and stool test (cooperation with local laboratories provider)

Doctor will explain the result to you directly or by phone, after the result available

●Refer to hospital

Arrange appointment with specialist, X ray, Ultra sound, CT scan or MRI etc in hospital. 

Please bring the result when you have review at Minato clinic and doctor will explain the result.

●House call

House or hotel visits can be provided as the doctor will be available after clinic hours.(night and holiday)

●Vaccination (Adult and Children)

We can arrange various types of vaccination.

Need reservation at least 7 days in advance and vaccine availability.

Please bring vaccination book/record if you have.

●Insurance claim form

Please bring your insurance form so the doctor will fill it during consultation.

*Payment: cash only (IDR)


  Location and Map

Enter Citraland gate in front of National hospital, go straight until Merlion statue.

Take a right turn and then straight until meet Telaga Utama street

Take right turn and go straight till US consulate General (near big ball statue)

Continue straight and take right turn on the second road

and enter Taman Puspa Raya (TPR) Block B gate (you can ask the security about our address)

Take a left turn on the first road after enter TPR gate and then turn right on the 7’Th road

Continue straight and you find our clinic at the right side near the end of the road

Estimate time:

From National Hospital : 10  minutes

From G walk: 5 minutes


Masuk pintu gerbang Citraland di depan Rumah Sakt National Hospital,

lalu terus sampai patung Singa

Belok kanan dan lurus sampai ke jalan Telaga Utama

Belok kanan dan lurus terus sampai konsulat Amerika

Lurus terus dan belok kanan pada belokan ke dua dan masuk ke pintu gerbang TPR blok B

(bisa Tanya langsung ada satpam di sana)

Belok kiri di belokan pertama dan belok kanan di belokan ke 7

Jalan terus dan klinik ada di sebelah kanan jalan dekat ujung jalan


Dr Febri

Graduated The Christian University of Indonesia.Practice as a clinician more than 16 years.

8 years at work as clinician in Jakarta.

6 years at international medical assistance company as a health care management doctor.

2 years at international mining company as a project doctor.

Available language: English, Indonesian and Japanese. 


last updated :nov 2014

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